i was really excited to do these races last weekend, since i had heard how great the course was- and its on the coast. i was definitely looking forward to seeing the ocean- being landlocked is rough sometimes..
so megan m and i found some plane tickets and headed toward boston- upon landing, the wind was blowing and the rain was coming down in sheets. i was thinking maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all, since i had come from 75 degrees and sunny in boulder-
but, my teammate anna picked me up and we headed toward rebecca wellen's house which was about 45 minutes away from the course. i went for a spin in the cold and actually felt ok considering i have been not feeling so hot since vegas...
we woke up saturday morning, met up with megan (who took the red eye- crazy girl) and the weather was amazing- sunny and no clouds or wind. it was gonna be a good day-
after spinning and doing some sprints i was ready. surprisingly there were 40+ women on the start line. got called up 15th or so, no bad considering i haven't done any races this year really that count. lynne was there, but she had already done the men's 3 race so she was tired- ha yeah right. my start was shitty again- i gotta work on that. so i spent the whole race picking off girls from about 30th- by 2 laps to go, i had made it to the top 10, with lynne only about a minute 20 sec in front of our chase group. too bad i hadn't started better- i would have saved some energy. i was in a group of about 4-5 girls- including my teammate melanie which was nice to have someone on my side instead of attacking me. i tried to get away a couple times but i had no power left- and on the last lap i got a leg cramp which forced me to fall off the group and finish alone, in 12th. good thing points were only top 10. sweet. i was determined for sunday to stay in the top 10, but things don't always work out how you want them-at the start after the first lap, i knew the race was going to be ugly- everyone was out for revenge it seemed, and racing faster than saturday. unfortunately for me it was windier and harder to jump alone through the girls. my legs were flat, and tired from all the work i did on saturday. i have to get better at starts...
overall it was a great course, beautiful weather and good competition- what more could i ask for? although i was a little disappointed in my finishes, it just motivates me to want to race that much harder for the next races- and the fact that i constantly had teammates around me was pretty cool too- the team did great, and i was proud of everyone who raced. im definitely looking forward to louisville..