Sunday, September 30, 2007

interbike 2007

really really glad to be back home in CO. i think if i were to stay in vegas any longer, i would be permanently exhausted for the rest of my life, and broke.
i got back last night, and was very happy to see the snow capped mountains as the plane descended into denver. finally back to some sort of reality and realness- vegas was so surreal and fake that i couldn't take it...
on tuesday, met up with dave from vanderkitten and the rest of the crew to set up the booth. pretty exciting since its the first year for them at interbike, and i was there to help promote it- but also a little weird handing my photo out to everyone-
on wednesday night, i did the vegas cross race which started at 7:30pm in a park which contained some of the only grass in vegas, and we were about to tear it up, literally. sort of pathetic i think. the air was so dry; i am still having chest/throat issues from it. i got called up third row so pretty shitty, since i didn't race last year and had no points. i knew the parade lap was going to be ugly since the field was stacked. at the start, melissa thomas missed her pedal and screwed up my already horrible start- but once everyone settled a bit after the parade lap, i got the chance to weave my way through the girls to get up to a group that i was happy with-it was really similar to a crit since it was so fast and windy. i was able to work in well, and felt like maybe i should try to get away, since i felt good. but i stayed in the pack- which looking back, i wish i would have tried to... since with 2 laps to go, a girl crashed in front of me on the barriers, and i lost the group- and then the attacks started at the front and there was no way for me to get back on- so i cruised in with my teammate anna- i have no idea where i was- somewhere between 18th-25th so i heard. i am ok with it, but i think i could have placed better-
the race was over, and it was time to enjoy myself- i met up with a good friend from KU jed schneider who is responsible for getting me into this madness called racing way back in 1999. the rest of the week was filled with all kinds of craziness that i can't write about- i am glad to be back, and glad that the next interbike is a good year away...

1 comment:

Velo Bella said...

Hey Jen! Good seeing you again and tell ol Jed I say "Hey!"